Getting support

If you have a problem with the Hyperledger Fabric Ansible Collection, then there are several avenues provided for requesting support.

The first avenue is to open an issue on GitHub. Support is provided a best can do basis by IBM and the community. There are no guarantees provided around response times for GitHub issues.

The second avenue is to open an IBM support ticket, if you are using the IBM Hyperledger Fabric Support Offering. Support is provided a best can do basis by IBM and there is no guarantees for response times again.

Regardless of the avenue you choose, you must gather and provide as much data as possible to help us diagnose your issue.

Gathering data

When requesting support, please gather and provide as much data as possible from the following list:

  • Version information

    If you are not using the Docker image, please provide the output of the following commands:

    python --version
    pip list
    ansible --version
    cat ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ibm/blockchain_platform/MANIFEST.json
    peer version
    configtxlator version

    Note that depending on your Python installation, you may need to use python3 and pip3 instead.

  • Command line

    Please provide the full command line used when you execute the Ansible playbooks, including the docker run command and arguments if you are using the Docker image.

  • Ansible playbooks and variable files

    If possible, please provide all Ansible playbooks and variable files that you are using. It is strongly recommended that you remove any confidential information, such as secrets or passwords, before sending them.

  • Output of running Ansible in verbose mode

    Please provide all output from running Ansible in verbose mode. To run Ansible in verbose mode, add the -vvv argument, for example:

    ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml > ansible.log 2>&1
  • Debug logs from the Hyperledger Fabric Ansible Collection

    The environment variable IBP_ANSIBLE_LOG_FILENAME can be used to specify the path to a log file. When this environment variable is set, the Hyperledger Fabric Ansible Collection will write debug logs to the specified file. These logs are verbose, and provide us with insight into the interactions between Ansible, the IBM Blockchain Platform console, and the Hyperledger Fabric CLI.

    To gather debug logs without using the Docker image:

    export IBP_ANSIBLE_LOG_FILENAME=/tmp/ibp.log
    ansible-playbook playbook.yml

    To gather debug logs using the Docker image:

    export IBP_ANSIBLE_LOG_FILENAME=/tmp/ibp.log
    docker run --rm -e IBP_ANSIBLE_LOG_FILENAME -u $(id -u) -v /path/to/playbooks:/playbooks -v /tmp:/tmp ibmcom/ibp-ansible ansible-playbook /playbooks/playbook.yml

Opening an issue on GitHub

You can request support by opening an issue on GitHub:

Opening an IBM support ticket

If you are using the IBM Hyperledger Fabric Support offering, then follow the documentation here for submitting a support case:

Please note: there is no guarantee that support will be provided, support will be provided in a best-effort basis