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Chaincode builder

From version 2.0, Hyperledger Fabric supports External Builders and Launchers to manage the process of building and launching chaincode, rather than being limited to the peer's built in Docker based build and launch process.

External Builders and Launchers are a collection of executables — detect, build, release and run — that the peer calls in order to build, launch, and discover chaincode. The k8s builder executables do the following.

Executable Description
detect Detects chaincode packages with a type of k8s
build Checks that the chaincode label is a valid Kubernetes object label1
release No-op
run Starts a Kubernetes pod using the chaincode image identified by an immutable digest

For more information about Fabric builders, see the External Builders and Launchers documentation.

  1. The k8s builder does not build the chaincode image. A chaincode image must be built and published to a container registry before it can be deployed to Fabric using the k8s builder.