
We now create a simple test for our payment channel client. We set up two clients, open a channel between them, perform several off-chain payments, and then close the channel.

Everything in this section will take place in package main.

package main


We construct a few helper functions that will cover the contract deployment, client generation, and logging of balances in the command line. We put the code of this section into util.go

Deploy Contracts

Go-perun’s Ethereum backend uses two on-chain contracts: the Adjudicator and the Asset Holder. They are written in the contract language of Ethereum, Solidity, and are part of go-perun’s Ethereum backend.

Each contract must be deployed before it can be used. Usually, you would assume that they are already deployed and the addresses are known in advance. But since this is a complete example for a local chain, we must deploy them.

Go-perun uses one contract per asset on top of the Ethereum blockchain. In this example, we only use the ETHAssetHolder, which is used for Ether, the native currency in Ethereum. ERC20 Tokens are supported via the ERC20AssetHolder.

We define deployContracts that gets as input a nodeURL, chainID, and the privateKey of the deployer. We first parse the secret key in hexadecimal format and then create an instance of go-perun’s simple wallet by calling swallet.NewWallet. We then create a contract backend that will be used for deployment and define the deployer account.

// deployContracts deploys the Perun smart contracts on the specified ledger.
func deployContracts(nodeURL string, chainID uint64, privateKey string) (adj, ah common.Address) {
	k, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKey)
	if err != nil {
	w := swallet.NewWallet(k)
	cb, err := client.CreateContractBackend(nodeURL, chainID, w)
	if err != nil {
	acc := accounts.Account{Address: crypto.PubkeyToAddress(k.PublicKey)}

Using the contract backend cb, we then deploy the Adjudicator and the AssetHolderETH via go-perun’s DeployAdjudicator and DeployETHAssetholder. Note that the Adjudicator must be deployed first because the asset holder depends on it. Finally, we return both addresses.

	// Deploy adjudicator.
	adj, err = ethchannel.DeployAdjudicator(context.TODO(), cb, acc)
	if err != nil {

	// Deploy asset holder.
	ah, err = ethchannel.DeployETHAssetholder(context.TODO(), cb, adj, acc)
	if err != nil {

	return adj, ah

Client setup wrapper

We create a simple wrapper that helps us setting up a payment channel client. It parses a given private key in hexadecimal format and creates a new wallet containing that key. The wallet is then used with the other required arguments to call SetupPaymentClient for generating a new PaymentClient

// setupPaymentClient sets up a new client with the given parameters.
func setupPaymentClient(
	bus wire.Bus,
	nodeURL string,
	adjudicator common.Address,
	asset ethwallet.Address,
	privateKey string,
) *client.PaymentClient {
	// Create wallet and account.
	k, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(privateKey)
	if err != nil {
	w := swallet.NewWallet(k)
	acc := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(k.PublicKey)

	// Create and start client.
	c, err := client.SetupPaymentClient(
	if err != nil {

	return c

Logging Balances

For seeing the effects of our off-chain payments, we implement a method for printing a client’s balance to the standard output. For this, we create a new type balanceLogger, which simply wraps an ethclient.Client that will be used for reading account balance from the blockchain.

// balanceLogger is a utility for logging client balances.
type balanceLogger struct {
	ethClient *ethclient.Client

// newBalanceLogger creates a new balance logger for the specified ledger.
func newBalanceLogger(chainURL string) balanceLogger {
	c, err := ethclient.Dial(chainURL)
	if err != nil {
	return balanceLogger{ethClient: c}

We implement the logging of balances with LogBalances that takes a sequence of account addresses as input. For each address, the balance is fetched via go-ethereum’s BalanceAt.

// LogBalances prints the balances of the specified accounts.
func (l balanceLogger) LogBalances(accounts ...common.Address) {
	bals := make([]*big.Float, len(accounts))
	for i, c := range accounts {
		bal, err := l.ethClient.BalanceAt(context.TODO(), c, nil)
		if err != nil {
		bals[i] = client.WeiToEth(bal)
	log.Println("Client balances (ETH):", bals)


Finally, we want to use our preliminary work to perform a test run by instantiating the clients and performing a simple payment over a channel. We put the code of this section into main.go Ultimately, you can run main.go to see the individual steps executing in your command line output.

We implement our scenario by first setting all necessary constants and then constructing our test case in the main function.


As we mentioned earlier, we need the chainURL and chainID to identify the blockchain we want to work with. In this case, we use the standard values used by ganache-cli. Additionally, we require three private keys. On the one hand, a party that is deploying the contracts. On the other hand, Alice and Bob that want to use our payment channel.

const (
	chainURL = "ws://"
	chainID  = 1337

	// Private keys.
	keyDeployer = "79ea8f62d97bc0591a4224c1725fca6b00de5b2cea286fe2e0bb35c5e76be46e"
	keyAlice    = "1af2e950272dd403de7a5760d41c6e44d92b6d02797e51810795ff03cc2cda4f"
	keyBob      = "f63d7d8e930bccd74e93cf5662fde2c28fd8be95edb70c73f1bdd863d07f412e"

Main function

The main function implements the following steps.

  1. We start with the deployment of the contracts by calling deployContracts with the corresponding arguments. This supplies us with the adjudicator and assetHolder addresses.

  2. Next, we create a new message bus via wire.NewLocalBus, which will be used by the clients to communicate with each other. Then we call the setupPaymentClient function for both Alice and Bob.

  3. Then the balance logger is initialized via newBalanceLogger and LogBalances prints the initial balance of both clients.

  4. Further, Alice opens a channel with OpenChannel with Bob, where she specifies the amount of funds that she wants to put into the channel. Bob fetches the new channel from his channel registry by calling AcceptedChannel.

  5. Now everything is set up, and we let Alice and Bob exchange a few Ether back and forth.

  6. We print the balances and let Alice settle to conclude and withdraw her funds from the channel. Bob also settles to withdraw his funds directly.

  7. Finally, both clients shut down to free up the used resources.

// main runs a demo of the payment client. It assumes that a blockchain node is
// available at `chainURL` and that the accounts corresponding to the specified
// secret keys are provided with sufficient funds.
func main() {
	// Deploy contracts.
	log.Println("Deploying contracts.")
	adjudicator, assetHolder := deployContracts(chainURL, chainID, keyDeployer)
	asset := *ethwallet.AsWalletAddr(assetHolder)

	// Setup clients.
	log.Println("Setting up clients.")
	bus := wire.NewLocalBus() // Message bus used for off-chain communication.
	alice := setupPaymentClient(bus, chainURL, adjudicator, asset, keyAlice)
	bob := setupPaymentClient(bus, chainURL, adjudicator, asset, keyBob)

	// Print balances before transactions.
	l := newBalanceLogger(chainURL)
	l.LogBalances(alice.WalletAddress(), bob.WalletAddress())

	// Open channel, transact, close.
	log.Println("Opening channel and depositing funds.")
	chAlice := alice.OpenChannel(bob.WireAddress(), 5)
	chBob := bob.AcceptedChannel()

	log.Println("Sending payments...")

	log.Println("Settling channel.")
	chAlice.Settle() // Conclude and withdraw.
	chBob.Settle()   // Withdraw.

	// Print balances after transactions.
	l.LogBalances(alice.WalletAddress(), bob.WalletAddress())

	// Cleanup.

Run from the command line

We now execute our test program from the command line.

First, we start a local Ethereum blockchain. We run ganache-cli with pre-funded accounts using the command below. Please make sure that the constants match the ones used in the client configuration.


ganache-cli --host --port 8545 --account $KEY_DEPLOYER,$BALANCE --account $KEY_ALICE,$BALANCE --account $KEY_BOB,$BALANCE --blockTime=5

The chain is running when you see an output like the following.

Ganache CLI v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)

Available Accounts
(0) 0xe84d227431DfFcF14Fb8fa39818DFd4e864aeB13 (10 ETH)
(1) 0x56FD289cEe714a5E471c418436EFA63E780D7a87 (10 ETH)
(2) 0x6536425BE95A6661F6C6f68D709B6BE152785Df6 (10 ETH)

Private Keys
(0) 0x79ea8f62d97bc0591a4224c1725fca6b00de5b2cea286fe2e0bb35c5e76be46e
(1) 0x1af2e950272dd403de7a5760d41c6e44d92b6d02797e51810795ff03cc2cda4f
(2) 0xf63d7d8e930bccd74e93cf5662fde2c28fd8be95edb70c73f1bdd863d07f412e

Gas Limit

Call Gas Limit

Listening on

You can see Alice’s and Bob’s addresses starting with 0x56F… and 0x653… having both 10 ETH. After we have run the example above, Alice and Bob are expected to have approximately 7 ETH and 13 ETH. Depending on the --gasPrice set in the ganache-cli, numbers will not match exactly as some ETH are burned for performing the on-chain transactions.

Now run the tutorial application with:

go run .

If everything works, you should see the following output.

2022/02/07 16:42:17 Deploying contracts.
2022/02/07 16:42:25 Setting up clients.
2022/02/07 16:42:25 Client balances (ETH): [10 10]
2022/02/07 16:42:25 Opening channel and depositing funds.
2022/02/07 16:42:30 Sending payments...
2022/02/07 16:42:30 Settling channel.
2022/02/07 16:42:34 Adjudicator event: type = *channel.ConcludedEvent, client = 0x6536425BE95A6661F6C6f68D709B6BE152785Df6
2022/02/07 16:42:40 Adjudicator event: type = *channel.ConcludedEvent, client = 0x56FD289cEe714a5E471c418436EFA63E780D7a87
2022/02/07 16:42:45 Client balances (ETH): [7 13]

With this, we conclude the Ethereum part of the payment channel tutorial. Further, a description on how to migrate this implementation onto Polkadot is available here.