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Data Sharing

This document lists sample ways in which you can exercise the data-sharing interoperation protocol on the test network launched earlier.

Once the networks, relays, and drivers have been launched, and the ledgers bootstrapped, you can trigger four different interoperation flows corresponding to distinct data-sharing combinations as follows:

  1. Corda to Corda: Either Corda network requests state and proof from another Corda network
  2. Corda to Fabric: The Corda network requests state and proof from either Fabric network
  3. Fabric to Corda: Either Fabric network requests state and proof from the Corda network
  4. Fabric to Fabric: One Fabric network requests state and proof from another Fabric network

We assume that one of the following chaincodes have been deployed in either Fabric network you are testing with:

  • simplestate
  • simplestatewithacl

Corda to Corda

To test the scenario where Corda_Network requests the value of the state (key) H from Corda_Network2, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda_Network, relay, and driver; Corda_Network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9082/Corda_Network2/localhost:30006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9082/Corda_Network2/localhost:30006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-corda2:9082/Corda_Network2/corda_network2_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-corda2:9082/Corda_Network2/corda_network2_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H
  • Query the value of the requested state using key H in Corda_Network by running the following command:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state H

To test the scenario where Corda_Network2 requests the value of the state (key) C from Corda_Network, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda_Network, relay, and driver; Corda_Network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9082 localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:C
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9082 localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:C
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9082 relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:C
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9082 relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:C
  • Query the value of the requested state, using the key C in Corda_Network by running the following command:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2 CORDA_PORT=30006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state C

Corda to Fabric

To test the scenario where Corda_Network requests the value of the state (key) a from network1, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda network, relay, and driver; Fabric network1, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-network1:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-network1:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) a in Corda_Network using the following:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state a

To test the scenario where Corda_Network requests the value of the state (key) Arcturus from network2, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda network, relay, and driver; Fabric network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/corda/corda-simple-application folder.
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-network2:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
      • With TLS:
        RELAY_TLS=true RELAY_TLSCA_CERT_PATHS=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients request-state localhost:9081 relay-network2:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) Arcturus in Corda_Network using the following:
    NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network CORDA_PORT=10006 ./clients/build/install/clients/bin/clients get-state Arcturus
You can test the above data transfer scenario with Corda_Network2 instead of Corda_Network by changing the following in the request-state or get-state command:
  • Network name environment variable:
    • NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network to NETWORK_NAME=Corda_Network2
  • Corda node's RPC endpoint port environment variable:
    • CORDA_PORT=10006 to CORDA_PORT=30006
  • Local relay address
    • localhost:9081 to localhost:9082 (host deployment of relays and drivers)
    • relay-corda2:9081 to relay-corda2:9082 (Docker container deployment of relays and drivers)

Fabric to Corda

To test the scenario where network1 requests the value of the state (key) H from Corda_Network, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda network, relay, and driver; Fabric network1, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli (for the Node.js version) or the samples/fabric/go-cli (for the Golang version) folder.
  • (Make sure you have configured fabric-cli as per earlier instructions)
  • Edit chaincode.json: in the simplestate:Create:args attribute, replace the argument "a" with "H" (this specifies the key to which the data from the remote view is to be written into); i.e.,:
    "args": ["a", ""]
    "args": ["H", ""]
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) H in network1 using the following:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query mychannel simplestate read '["H"]' --local-network=network1

To test the scenario where network2 requests the value of the state (key) H from Corda_Network, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Corda network, relay, and driver; Fabric network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli (for the Node.js version) or the samples/fabric/go-cli (for the Golang version) folder.
  • (Make sure you have configured fabric-cli as per earlier instructions)
  • Edit chaincode.json: in the simplestate:Create:args attribute, replace the argument "a" with "H" (this specifies the key to which the data from the remote view is to be written into); i.e.,:
    "args": ["a", ""]
    "args": ["H", ""]
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem relay-corda:9081/Corda_Network/corda_partya_1:10003#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) H in network2 using the following:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query mychannel simplestate read '["H"]' --local-network=network2
You can test the above data transfer scenario with Corda_Network2 instead of Corda_Network by changing the following in the view address (last parameter in the interop command):
  • Local relay address (prefix):
    • localhost:9081 to localhost:9082 (host deployment of relays and drivers)
    • relay-corda2:9081 to relay-corda2:9082 (Docker container deployment of relays and drivers)
  • Network name:
    • Corda_Network to Corda_Network2
  • Corda node's RPC endpoint:
    • localhost:10006 to localhost:30006 (host deployment of relays and drivers)
    • corda_partya_1:10003 to corda_network2_partya_1:10003 (Docker container deployment of relays and drivers)

Fabric to Fabric

To test the scenario where network1 requests the value of the state (key) Arcturus from network2, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Fabric network1, relay, and driver; Fabric network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli (for the Node.js version) or the samples/fabric/go-cli (for the Golang version) folder.
  • (Make sure you have configured fabric-cli as per earlier instructions)
  • Edit chaincode.json: in the simplestate:Create:args attribute, replace the argument "a" with "Arcturus" (this specifies the key to which the data from the remote view is to be written into); i.e.,:
    "args": ["a", ""]
    "args": ["Arcturus", ""]
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP relay-network2:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem relay-network2:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
If you wish to enable end-to-end confidentiality for this data sharing session, add the --e2e-confidentiality=true switch to any of the above commands. For example: ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --e2e-confidentiality=true localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) Arcturus in network1 using the following:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query mychannel simplestate read '["Arcturus"]' --local-network=network1

To test the scenario where network2 requests the value of the state (key) a from network1, do the following:

  • (Make sure the following are running: Fabric network1, relay, and driver; Fabric network2, relay, and driver)
  • Navigate to the samples/fabric/fabric-cli (for the Node.js version) or the samples/fabric/go-cli (for the Golang version) folder.
  • (Make sure you have configured fabric-cli as per earlier instructions)
  • (There is no need to edit chaincode.json to change the key as the default argument "a" is what we intend to use in this data sharing use scenario.)
  • Run the following:
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in the host machine:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/fabric_ca_cert.pem localhost:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
    • If Relays and Drivers are deployed in Docker containers:
      • Without TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --requesting-org=Org1MSP relay-network1:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
      • With TLS:
        ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=../../../core/relay/credentials/docker/ca-cert.pem relay-network1:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a:173
If you wish to enable end-to-end confidentiality for this data sharing session, add the --e2e-confidentiality=true switch to any of the above commands. For example: ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --e2e-confidentiality=true localhost:9080/network1/mychannel:simplestate:Read:a
  • Query the value of the requested state (key) a in network2 using the following:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query mychannel simplestate read '["a"]' --local-network=network2