Introduction of Corda ===================== Corda Overview -------------- Corda_ is an opensource Distribute Ledger Technology (DLT) platform developed by R3_. Developed for enterprise, it has strengths in privacy and scalability. .. _Corda: .. _R3: Permissioned network -------------------- - Corda works by forming a permissioned network consisting of participating nodes and some TTP(Trusted Third Party) nodes. - TTP Network Map Service Manages node's location on the network Root CA Manages certificates for nodes' public keys Notary In Corda, which uses the UTXO model, validity of output consumption is notarized to prevent double consumption. Asymmetric ledgers ------------------ - In Corda, like a general blockchain, a ledger of each node is updated as transactions are proposed, validated and applied. - On the other hand, unlike a general blockchain, only nodes that participate in the transaction are involved in processing the transaction (for example, in the case of payment, the source and destination of payment), and even existence of the transaction is not disclosed to other nodes. - Each node's ledger consists of the result of applying only the transactions in which that node is a participant. As a result, each node's ledger generally has different contents from each other. - Therefore, nodes use P2P communication instead of broadcast communication (for example, gossip protocol) utilized in typical blockchains. Transaction flow ---------------- - The nodes confirm a transaction through the following flow and update their own ledgers. #. The first node, called an initiator, creates the transaction and signs it using the node's own private key. #. The initiator node asks responder nodes, who participate in the transaction, to verify the content of it and to sign it. #. The responder node verifies the following aspects of the transaction, signs the transaction and returns it to the initiator node if OK. - Transaction integrity (described in the next section) - Whether to accept the transaction (from a business point of view) #. The initiator node asks the notary to verify that the transaction causes no double consumption and to sign it. #. The notary verifies that the transaction is not double-consuming, and if OK, signs the transaction and sends it to participating nodes. #. The initiator distributes to the parties the transaction signed by all the required signers and the notary. Transaction model ----------------- - Corda has adopted the following UTXO model Transaction input - A reference to an output state to be consumed, which consists of a transaction id and an output index Transaction output - An arbitrary JVM object that implements the ContractState interface defined in Corda Conditions for consumption of outputs - Conditions are defined in the form of a JVM class that implements the Contract interface defined in Corda. - A transaction generally consists of the following components. - Zero or more input states - One or more output states - Contracts to which the input and output states belong - Commands - Notary (optional) - (Input or output) State - Instances of classes that implement the net.corda.core.contracts.ContractState interface - Each state class corresponds to only one Contract class - Contract - Classes that implement the net.corda.core.contracts.Contract interface - Contracts define the way to verify transactions by implementing the "verify" method - A transaction must pass all the validation defined by the verify methods of the child classes of Contract that correspond to all input and output states contained in the transaction. - A transaction contains the classes derived from Contract to be used and all the code the classes depends on in the form of jar. - Command - Instances of classes that extend the net.corda.core.contracts.Command class - It consists of the following two elements. CommandData - Data which specify the purpose of transaction execution (in other words, relationship between input and output states) - For example, the Cash contract has three types of CommandData, Cash.Issue, Cash.Move and Cash.Exit. - The verify method of classes derived from Contract verifies the transaction based on the specified CommandData. Signers - Data which assign parties who must sign the transaction - For example, if a transaction contains the Command of which CommandData is Cash.Move, all the owners of the Cash states included in the transaction as input are supposed to be assigned as signers of the Command. Otherwise the transaction is regarded invalid by the Cash::verify method. Notarisation (Finality) ----------------------- - Purpose of Notary - Because Corda uses the UTXO model, if one or more input states in a transaction have been consumed by other transactions, the transaction will be invalid (double consumption). - Veritying a transaction within the parties of the transaction doesn't make sure that the transaction is not double-consuming. - Since multiple transactions might attempt to consume the same state, a trusted third party is needed to determine which transaction has consumed the state first. - Notary plays this role. - The notary ensures all input states in a transaction have not been consumed in the past and signs the transaction only if double consumption doesn't occur. To do so, the notary maintains the record of the states that have been consumed. - Validating notary and non-validating notary - Since the original purpose of notarization is only to prevent double consumption, it is not necessary to disclose any content other than the input states of the transaction to notary. - Each notary can be configured to select one of the following two types of behavior. - Validating notary - Verifying not only that there is no double consumption but also validity of the transaction by checking that it satisfies all the conditions defined by the Contract classes included in it and is signed by all the signers required by the Command objects included in it. - This type of notaries has the advantage that the transaction is assured to be valid only by the notary signature. - Non-validating notary - Verifying only that there is no double consumption - This type of notaries has the advantage that elements other than input states of a transaction can be hidden from the notary. - It is assumed that transaction is validated by parties to the transaction. - In this way, notaries have different behavior, and in particular, validating notaries can see the entire contents of a transaction. In general, multiple notaries can operate on the same network, each transaction can choose and designate one of them from the point of view of privacy. Updates and queries for ledgers (RPC) ------------------------------------- - Clients can execute the following operations on nodes through the Corda RPC Updating ledger = Executing flow - Flow is definition of a transaction processing from initiation to notarization, in the form of program code. - Clients can order the node to initiate a new flow through the Corda RPC and receive the result. Querying (unconsumed) states from ledger - Clients can ask a node to search UTXOs of transactions to which the node is a party by several conditions and to return it. Examples of applications of Corda --------------------------------- Cash contract ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ States ^^^^^^ .. class:: Cash.State :noindex: State class representing cash .. attribute:: amount :type: Amount> Represents a quantity, an issuer and currency unit of this cash .. attribute:: exitKeys :type: Collection Represents keys required to execute the Cash.Exit command on this cash. This field comes from the FungibleAsset interface, which is implemented by the Cash.State class, and consists of an owner key and an issuer key. .. attribute:: owner :type: AbstractParty Represents an owner of this cash .. attribute:: participants :type: List Represents parties to this cash, in other words, those who store this state in their ledger. This field comes from the ContractState interface, which is implemented by the Cash.State class, and consists of an owner only. Commands ^^^^^^^^ .. class:: Cash.Issue :noindex: A command allowing new cash states to be issued .. attribute:: Input states - None .. attribute:: Output states - Cash.State(owner = issuer) .. attribute:: Required signers - The issuer of the Cash.State .. class:: Cash.Move A command transfering ownership of cash states .. attribute:: Input states - [Multiple] Cash.State(owner = ) .. attribute:: Output states - [Multiple] Cash.State(owner = ) .. attribute:: Required signers - The original owner of the Cash.State .. attribute:: Contract rules - The sums of amounts, including issuer and currency, of input and output must equal to each other (except for amounts of "exited" Cash described below). .. class:: Cash.Exit(amount: Amount>) :noindex: A command withdrawing cash states from ledgers of Corda .. attribute:: Input states - [Multiple] Cash.State .. attribute:: Output states - [Multiple] Cash.State .. attribute:: Required signers - The owner of the input side Cash.State - The issuer of the input side Cash.State .. attribute:: Contract rules - The difference between the sums of the amounts of input and output must equal to the amount attribute specified for his command. CommercialPaper(CP) contract ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ States ^^^^^^ .. class:: CommercialPaper.State :noindex: State class representing the CP .. attribute:: faceValue :type: Amount> Represents a face value of this CP .. attribute:: issuance :type: PartyAndReference Represents an issuer of this CP and additional information .. attribute:: maturityDate :type: Instant Represents a maturity date of this CP .. attribute:: owner :type: AbstractParty Represents an owner of this CP .. attribute:: participants :type: List Represnets parties to this CP, in other words, those who store this state in their ledger. This field comes from the ContractState interface, which is implemented by the CommercialPaper.State class, and consists of an owner only. Commands ^^^^^^^^ .. class:: CommercialPaper.Issue :noindex: A command allowing new commercial papers to be issued .. attribute:: Input states - None .. attribute:: Output states - CommercialPaper.State (owner = issuer) .. attribute:: Required signers - The issuer of the CommercialPaper.State .. class:: Move :noindex: A command transfering ownership of a commercial paper .. attribute:: Input states - CommercialPaper.State(owner = ) .. attribute:: Output states - CommercialPaper.State(owner = ) .. attribute:: Required signers - The original owner of CommercialPaper.State .. attribute:: Contract rules - The attributes of the commercial paper other than owner (such as faceValue) remain unchanged. .. class:: Redeem :noindex: A command redeeming a commercial paper .. attribute:: Input states - CommercialPaper.State(faceValue, issuer, owner) - [Multiple] Cash.State(owner = , amount = ) .. attribute:: Output states - [Multiple] Cash.State(owner = , amount = ) .. attribute:: Required signers - The owner of the the CommercialPaper.State (to allow the redemption of the commercial paper) - The issuer of the CommercialPaper.State (to allow the transfer of the cash states) .. attribute:: Contract rules - The CommercialPaper.State is not included in output and removed from ledgers. - The cash states equivalent to to the face value of the CP is transfered from the issuer of the CP to the owner of the CP (in exchange for the CP).