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Orion Executable

1) Prerequisites

To build an executable binary file, the following prerequisites should be installed on the platform on which Orion will be deployed.

  • Go Programming Language: The database uses the Go Programming Language for many of its components. Go version 1.16.x or higher is required.
  • Make: To build a binary file and execute a unit-test, the make utility is required.
  • Git: Git is used to clone the code repository.

2) Build

To build the executable binary, the following steps must be executed:

  1. Create the required directory using the command mkdir -p
  2. Change the current working directory to the above created directory by issuing the command cd
  3. Clone the server repository with git clone
  4. Change the current working directory to the repository root directory by issuing cd orion-server.
  5. To build the binary executable file, issue the command make binary, which creates a bin folder in the current directory. The bin holds four executable files named bdb, signer, encoder, and decoder.
  6. Run the bdb executable by issuing the following command:

If the above command execution results in the following output, the build was successful.

To start and interact with a blockchain database server.
bdb [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
start Starts a blockchain database
version Print the version of the blockchain database server.
-h, --help help for bdb
Use "bdb [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For additional health checks, we can run make test to ensure all tests pass.

3) Start

To start a node, we need a certificate authority and crypto materials for the node and admin users. To simplify this task, we have provided sample crypto materials and configuration files in the deployment/sample/ folder. In order to understand the configuration files and procedure for creating crypto materials, refer to crypto materials.

Let's start a node with the sample configuration:

./bin/bdb start --configpath ./deployment/config-local/config.yml

The output of the above command would be something similar to the following:

2021/06/16 18:06:34 Starting a blockchain database
2021-06-16T18:06:35.151+0530 INFO bdb-node-1 blockprocessor/processor.go:263 Registering listener [transactionProcessor]
2021-06-16T18:06:35.151+0530 INFO bdb-node-1 txreorderer/txreorderer.go:59 starting the transactions reorderer
2021-06-16T18:06:35.151+0530 INFO bdb-node-1 blockcreator/blockcreator.go:74 starting the block creator
2021-06-16T18:06:35.151+0530 INFO bdb-node-1 replication/blockreplicator.go:73 starting the block replicator
2021-06-16T18:06:35.153+0530 INFO bdb-node-1 server/server.go:113 Starting to serve requests on:

Congratulations! We have started a node successfully.