IBC/TAO for Corda

IBC Overview

The inter-blockchain communication protocol(IBC) is a protocol that allows heterogeneous blockchains to connect to each other without trusting a middleman (called the relayer). This protocol consists of the following two layers.

Transport, Authentication and Ordering layer protocol (IBC/TAO)

The protocol for communication (handshaking and packet transmission / reception) between blockchains

Application layer protocol (IBC/APP)

The general term for protocols, linking blockchain applications (smart contracts) that work on two blockchains, based on IBC/TAO

Packets are sent, received and acknowledged by IBC/TAO as follows.

  1. Source chain sends packet

  2. Dest chain receives packet and replys ACK

    • Dest chain verifies that source chain sent packet correctly

  3. Source chain receives ACK

    • Source chain verifies that dest chain received packet correctly

On the other hand, cross-chain applications (IBC/APP) work as follows.

  1. Source chain sends packet and performs additional processing defined for send by an IBC/APP protocol

  2. Dest chain receives packet, performs additional processing defined for receive by an IBC/APP protocol, and replys ACK

    • Dest chain verifies that source chain sent packet correctly

  3. Source chain receives ACK and performs additional processing defined for ACK-receive by an IBC/APP protocol

    • Source chain verifies that dest chain received packet correctly

Comparing the above two, you can find that any IBC/APP protocols use the same mechanism defined by IBC/TAO for blockchain interoperability. The feature of IBC is that a wide variety of cross-chain applications can be easily designed by simply defining plugins to be added to packet transmission, reception and acknowledgement through IBC/TAO.

Requirements for blockchains that can support IBC

The detailed requirements for blockchains to be connected over IBC are specified in ICS-24, but they are roughly as follows.

  • State data specified by IBC (for example, ClientState, ConsensusState, Connection, Channel, PacketCommitment, Acknowledgement) can be stored in an unmodifiable manner.

  • State data specified by IBC must be able to transition in accordance with the rules specified by IBC.

  • State data specified by IBC cannot be modified or erased in a manner other than the rules specified by IBC

  • State data specified by IBC can be uniquely identified and can be queried.

  • State data acquired through the RPC can be verified to be valid, outside the blockchain, using an appropriate light client protocol.

Approach of Corda-IBC

  • Corda-IBC is a framework allowing for communication through IBC between Corda networks or between a Corda network and other blockchain.

  • However, Corda network or ledger is not itself a platform that meets the requirements of IBC.

  • Therefore, Corda-IBC does not treat an entire Corda network or ledger as a endpoint of communication through IBC; instead, it constructs IBC-compliant states and transitions inside an application running on Corda, called a CorDapp, and connects them to other blockchains using IBC.

Problem: How can we uniquely identify state data in Corda?

  • IBC requires that states can be uniquely identified (and queried).

  • On the other hand, state data in Corda is difficult to uniquely identify.

  • Of course, it is easy to make a state have an immutable ID.

    • For example, it is sufficient to assign an ID at the time of state generation and to enforce by contract that the ID does not change during subsequent state transitions.

  • But Corda doesn’t have a mechanism to ensure consistency across all states on the network, so it’s difficult to prohibit states from having duplicate IDs, even if they belong to the same contract.

Approach: Genesis-Host method

  • Overview

    • Somebody (anyone is ok) generates a state called Genesis first, then consumes it and generates a state called Host instead.

    • At this time, the txid of the transaction including Genesis is embedded as prefix of the ID of the Host.

    • Since a notary ensures that Genesis can be consumed by only one transaction, this also ensures the uniqueness of the ID of the Host.

    • When generating various IBC-complicant states, by enforcing them to have the same ID prefix as that of the Host, we can enforce the uniqueness of the IDs of these states.

    • This Host plays as an endpoint to be connected to other blockchain using the IBC protocol.

  • Genesis state

    • A state used to make an ID of Host unique

    • Txids of transactions containing Genesis is set to Host as “baseID”.

    • Under a single notary, all transactions have different txids and a single transaction can’t be consumed more than once, ensuring that only one Host can have a given baseID.

  • Host state

    • A state that centrally manages the issuance of IDs for various IBC-compliant states

    • Host generates all IBC states so that their IDs are unique to each other and they all have “baseID” same as that of the Host.

    • States belonging to different Hosts can be distinguished because they have different baseIDs.

  • Uniqueness of ID in Genesis-Host method

    • Notary can be uniquely identified by public key

    • Within the scope of notary, Host can be uniquely identified by baseID

    • Within the scope of Host, each state can be uniquely identified by stateID

    • Therefore, the combination of notary public key + baseID + stateID uniquely identifies every state of IBC

Light client for Corda-IBC

  • Light client consists of the following data

    • The public key of a notary

      • This key uniquely identifies the notary under which the Host that is the endpoint of IBC exists.

    • baseID

      • This baseID uniquely identifies the Host that is the endpoint of IBC.

        • The Host is regarded as a “blockchain” for the Light client.

  • How to verify state

    • Proof

      • The transaction signed by the notary and containing the output to be verified is used as proof.

    • Verification for state existence works as follows.

      1. Checking that the transaction is signed by the given notary.

      2. Checking that the state is included in output of the transaction.

      3. Checking that the state has the given baseID.

Limitation: Corda-IBC can’t handle packet receive timeout

  • In the IBC spec, a packet expiration date in units of height or timestamp can be set when a packet is transmitted. If a packet isn’t received by the expiration date, receiving the packet will fail.

  • Corda-IBC does not define height or timestamp, so if Corda is the receiver of the packet, it cannot handle the receive timeout.

Detailed specification of IBC/TAO for Corda

IBC contract: Host part


class Genesis

A state class determining baseID of Host

participants: List<AbstractParty>

A set of users to share Genesis, Host and all states to be generated by the Host

class Host

A state class representing an endpoint of communication via Corda-IBC

participants: List<AbstractParty>

participants inherited from Genesis (with the same content)

baseId: StateRef

Reference to Genesis (txhash)

notary: Party

Identity of notary that notarized Genesis

clientIds: List<Identifier>

A list of IDs of ClientState states created under Host, used to prevent duplicate IDs from being assigned to different ClientState states

connIds: List<Identifier>

A list of IDs of Connection states created under Host, used to prevent duplicate IDs from being assigned to different Connection states.

portChanIds: List<Pair<Identifier, Identifier>>

A list of pairs of portId and channelID of Channel states created under Host, used to prevent duplicate ID pairs from being assigned, but allowing identical channelIDs to be used on different ports.


class GenesisCreate

A command creating Genesis

Input states
  • None

Output states
  • Genesis

Contract rules
  • Transaction must not contain any other input or output state

class HostCreate

A command consuming Genesis and creating Host

Input states
  • Genesis

Output states
  • Host

Contract rules
  • Host.participants == Genesis.participants

  • Host.baseId == refOf(Genesis)

  • Host.notary == notaryOf(Genesis)

IBC contract: Client part


class ClientState

A state class representing ClientState defined in ICS-2

participants: List<AbstractParty>

participants inherited from Host

baseId: StateRef

baseId inherited from Host

id: Identifier

Identifier of the ClientState

clientState: Any

ClientState body encoded in protobuf, of which content is different for each type of blockchain that ClientState verifies

consensusStates: Map<Height, ConsensusState>

Associative array with height as the key and ConsensusState as the value


class HandleClientCreate(msg: MsgCreateClient)

A command creating a new ClientState state

Input states
  • Host

Output states
  • Host (clientIds + = <ID of ClientState to be created>)

  • ClientState

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All input states must also be included in output states (because states of Corda-IBC are never deleted once created)

  • ID of the new ClientState must be added to clientIds of Host.

  • ClientState must be correctly created using ClientState and ConsensusState given in MsgCreateClient and set in transaction output.

IBC contract: Connection part


class IbcConnection

A state class representing Connection defined in ICS-3

participants: List<AbstractParty>

participants inherited from Host (with the same content)

baseId: StateRef

baseId inherited from Host (with the same value)

id: Identifier

Identifier of this connection

end: ConnectionEnd

Instance of the ConnectionEnd class automatically generated by protobuf


class HandleConnOpenInit(msg: MsgConnectionOpenInit)

A command executing connOpenInit

Input states
  • Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

Output states
  • Host (connIds + = <ID of the new connection>)

  • IbcConnection(end.state == INIT)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • ID of the new IbcConnection must be added to connIds of the Host.

  • Requirements for connOpenInit defined in ICS-3 must be filled.

class HandleConnOpenTry(msg: MsgConnectionOpenTry)

A command executing connOpenTry

Input states
  • Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [optional] IbcConnection(end.state == INIT)

    • As specified in ICS-3, the IbcConnection in INIT state may or may not have been created in advance.

Output states
  • Host (connIds + = <ID of the new IbcConnection ID>)

  • IbcConnection(end.state == TRYOPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • ID of the new IbcConnection must be added to connIds of Host.

    • If IbcConnection has been created in advance and set in input, new IbcConnection must not created.

  • Requirements for connOpenTry defined in ICS-3 must be filled.

class HandleConnOpenAck(msg: MsgConnectionOpenAck)

A command executing connOpenAck

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • IbcConnection(end.state == INIT or TRYOPEN)

    • As specified in ICS-3, there are two possible IbcConnection states: INIT or TRYOPEN.

Output states
  • IbcConnection(end.state == OPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for connOpenAck defined in ICS-3 must be filled.

class HandleConnOpenConfirm(msg: MsgConnectionOpenConfirm)

A command executing connOpenConfirm

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • IbcConnection(end.state == TRYOPEN)

Output states
  • IbcConnection(end.state == OPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for connOpenConfirm defined in ICS-3 must be filled.

IBC contract: Channel part


class IbcChannel

A state class representing Channel define in ICS-4

participants: List<AbstractParty>

participants inherited from Host (with the same content)

baseId: StateRef

baseId inherited from Host (with the same value)

id: Identifier

Identifier of this channel

portId: Identifier

Port identifier of this channel

end: Channel

Instance of Channel class automatically generated by protobuf

nextSequenceSend: Long

Sequence to be used for next packet to be sent

nextSequenceRecv: Long

Sequence of next packet to be received (used only for channel with type of ORDERED)

nextSequenceAck: Long

Sequence of next ACK to be received (used only for channel with type of ORDERED)

packets: Map<Long, Packet>

An associative array with sequence as the key and packet as the value

receipts: Set<Long>

A set of sequences of received packets

acknowledgements: Map<Long, Acknowledgement>

An associative array with sequence as the key and acknowledgement as the value


class HandleChanOpenInit(msg: MsgChannelOpenInit)

A command executing chanOpenInit

Input states
  • Host

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

Output states
  • Host(portChanIds += Pair(Channel.portId, Channel.id))

  • IbcChannel(end.state = INIT)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Port Id and Channel ID of the new IbcChannel must be added to portChanIds of Host

  • Requirements for chanOpenInit defined in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandleChanOpenTry(msg: MsgChannelOpenTry)

A command executing chanOpenTry

Input states
  • Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • [optional] IbcChannel(end.state = INIT)

    • As specified in ICS-4, IbcChannel in INIT state may or may not have been created in advance.

Output states
  • Host(portChanIds += Pair(Channel.portId, Channel.id))

  • IbcChannel(end.state = TRYOPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Port ID and channel ID of the new IbcChannel must be added to the portChanIds of Host

    • If the IbcChannel has been created in advance, new IbcChannel must not be created.

  • Requirements for chanOpenTry defined in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandleChanOpenAck(msg: MsgChannelOpenAck)

A command executing chanOpenAck

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel(end.state = INIT or TRYOPEN)

    • As specified in ICS-4, there are two possible IbcChannel states : INIT or TRYOPEN.

Output states
  • IbcChannel(end.state = OPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for chanOpenAck defined in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandleChanOpenConfirm(msg: MsgChannelOpenConfirm)

A command executing chanOpenConfirm

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel(end.state = TRYOPEN)

Output states
  • IbcChannel(end.state = OPEN)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for chanOpenConfirm defined in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandleChanCloseInit(msg: MsgChannelCloseInit)

A command executing chanCloseInit

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel(end.state = OPEN)

Output states
  • IbcChannel(end.state = CLOSED)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for chanCloseInit defined in ICS-4 must be satisfield.

class HandleChanCloseConfirm(msg: MsgChannelCloseConfirm)

A command executing chanCloseConfirm

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel(end.state = OPEN)

Output states
  • IbcChannel(end.state = CLOSED)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All Input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created)

  • Requirements for chanCloseConfirm defined in ICS-4 must be satisfied.