ICS-20 for Corda

ICS-20 Overview

ICS-20 is an IBC/APP protocol included in the IBC spec that enables a two-way peg between blockchains by linking packet transmission, reception and acknowledgement with token locking, unlocking, burning and minting. This cross-chain protocol works as follows.

  1. Src: The sender of a token sends a packet to a destination chain and at the same time locks a token in escrow.

  2. Dst: The IBC module on the destination chain receives the packet and at the same time mints a voucher token to a receiver.

  3. Dst: The minted voucher token can be transfered arbitrarily.

  4. Dst: The sender of a voucher token sends a packet to the source chain and at the same time burns the voucher token.

  5. Src: The IBC module on the source chain receives the packet and at the same time unlocks a token in escrow.

Design of ICS-20 for Corda (when using the Cash contract of Corda)

Key point

  • ICS-20 assumes that smart contract called the IBC module is responsible for escrowing tokens and minting vouchers.

  • But Corda’s existing asset (e.g. Cash) is supposed to be owned by a specific user (node), making it difficult for tokens to be locked in smart contracts or to be minted by smart contracts.

  • Therefore in the current implementation of Corda-IBC, a trusted special node (such as a financial institution) is responsible for the role (escrowing tokens and minting vouchers).

    • Hereinafter, this node will be referred to as “bank”.

Security assumption

  • It is assumed that an issuer of Cash issues Cash tokens properly in a source chain. (trust in the issuer)

  • It is assumed that bank nodes lock (execute Cash.Move), unlock (execute Cash.Move), mint (execute Cash.Issue) and burn (execute Cash.Exit) tokens only through ICS-20, in both chains. (trust in the bank nodes)


  1. Src: The sender of Cash sends a packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time executes “Cash.Move” to transfer his Cash state to the bank user on the source chain.

  2. Dst: The bank user on the destination chain receives the packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time executes “Cash.Issue” and “Cash.Move” to mint a new Cash state to a recipient.

  3. Dst: The minted Cash state can be transfered arbitrarily on the destination chain.

  4. Dst: The sender of a Cash state on the destination chain sends a packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time executes “Cash.Move” and “Cash.Exit” to burn his Cash state.

  5. Src: The bank user on the source chain receives the packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time executes “Cash.Move” to transfer a Cash state to a recipient on the source chain.

Detailed specification


No additional state class


class HandleTransfer(msg: MsgTransfer)

A command executing token transfer specified in ICS-20

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = senderUser)

Output states
  • IbcChannel(packets += Pair(sequence, packet), nextSequenceSend += 1)

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = bankUser)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId.

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with Cash owner, denomination and amount.

  • Requirements for createOutgoingPacket specified in ICS-20 must be satisfied.

class HandlePacketRecv(msg: MsgRecvPacket)

A command receiving a token, specified in ICS-20

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = bankUser)

Output states
  • IbcChannel

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = receiverUser)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId.

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with Cash owner, denomination and amount.

  • Requirements for onRecvPacket specified in ICS-20 and recvPacket specified in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandlePacketAcknowledgement(msg: MsgAcknowledgement)

A command receiving ack to a token, specified in ICS-20

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = bankUser)

    • Cash is needed only in the case of refund.

Output states
  • IbcChannel(packets -= sequence, nextSequenceAck +=1)

    • nextSequenceAck is incremented only when the channel is type of ORDERED.

  • [Multiple] Cash(owner = senderUser)

    • Cash is needed only in the case of refund.

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId.

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with Cash owner, denomination and amount.

  • Requirements for onAcknowledgePacket specified in ICS-20 and acknowledgePacket specified in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

Design of ICS-20 for Corda (when defining new asset type for ICS-20)

Key point

  • Defining new asset type enables token lock, unlock, mint and burn in conjunction with IBC/TAO, without trusting in a particular node.

  • Hereinafter, this asset is referred to as ICS20Cash state.

  • The state responsible for locking, unlocking, minting and burning ICS20Cash is referred to as Bank state.

Security assumption

  • It is assumed that an issuer of ICS20Cash tokens issues them properly in the source chain. (trust in the issuer)


  1. Src: The sender sends a packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time locks his ICS20Cash state in the Bank state.

    • TX inputs

      • Bank: The lock balance of ICS20Cash is N.

      • ICS20Cash: quantity is M, owner is the sender.

    • TX outputs

      • Bank: The lock balance of ICS20Cash becomes N + M.

      • ICS20Cash: None(not included in outputs)

  2. Dst: The IBC module receives the packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time mints a new ICS20Cash state to a recipient on the destination chain.

    • TX inputs

      • Bank: The mint balance of ICS20Cash is N.

    • TX outputs

      • Bank: The mint balance of ICS20Cash becomes N + M.

      • ICS20Cash: Quantity is M and owner is the receiver on the destination chain.

  3. Dst: The minted ICS20Cash can be arbitrarily transfered on the destination chain.

  4. Dst: The sender sends a packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time burns his ICS20Cash state.

    • TX inputs

      • Bank: The mint balance of ICS20Cash is N + M.

      • ICS20Cash: quantity is M and owner is the sender on the destination chain.

    • TX outputs

      • Bank: The mint balance of ICS20Cash is N

      • ICS20Cash: None (not included in outputs)

  5. Src: The IBC module receives the packet over IBC/TAO and at the same time unlocks a ICS20Cash state to a recipient on the source chain.

    • TX inputs

      • Bank: The lock balance of ICS20Cash is N + M’.

    • TX outputs

      • Bank: The lock balance of ICS20Cash becomes N.

      • ICS20Cash: quantity is M’ and owner is the recipient on the source chain.

Detailed specification


class ICS20Cash

The state class of token dedicated for ICS-20

amount: Amount<Issued<Currency>>

The number of tokens. It also holds the issuer and units information as data types.

owner: AbstractParty

Owner of the token state

participants: List<AbstractParty>

Participants in the token state

class Bank

The state class responsible for locking, unlocking, minting and burning ICS20Cash

participants: List<AbstractParty>
baseId: StateRef
locked: Map<Denom, Amount>

Locked amount for each denomination

minted: Map<Denom, Amount>

Minted amount for each denomination

denoms: Map<Denom, Denom>

Associative array used to support “IBC denom” specified in ADR-001 of Cosmos.


class HandleTransfer(msg: MsgTransfer)

A command class transfering ICS20Cash

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • Bank

  • [Multiple] ICS20Cash(owner = senderUser)

Output states
  • IbcChannel(packets += Pair(sequence, packet), nextSequenceSend += 1)

  • Bank(locked + = Pair (denom, amount) or mined - = Pair (denom, amount))

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId.

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with ICS20Cash owner, denomination and amount.

  • Requirements for createOutgoingPacket specified in ICS-20 must be satisfied.

class HandlePacketRecv(msg: MsgRecvPacket)

A command class receiving ICS20Cash

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • Bank

Output states
  • IbcChannel

  • Bank(mined + = Pair(denom, amount) or locked -= Pair (denom, amount))

  • ICS20Cash(owner = receiverUser)

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with the ICS20Cash owner, denomination and amount

  • Requirements for onRecvPacket specified in ICS-20 and recvPacket specified in ICS-4 must be satisfied.

class HandlePacketAcknowledgement(msg: MsgAcknowledgement)

A command class receiving acknowledgement for token transfer specified in ICS-20

Input states
  • [readonly] Host

  • [readonly] ClientState

  • [readonly] IbcConnection

  • IbcChannel

  • Bank

    • The Bank state is needed used only in the case of refund.

Output states
  • IbcChannel(packets -= sequence, nextSequenceAck +=1)

    • nextSequenceAck is incremented only when the channel is type of ORDERED.

  • Bank(locked -= Pair (denom, amount) or minted += Pair (denom, amount))

  • ICS20Cash(owner = senderUser)

    • The ICS20Cash state is needed used only in the case of refund.

Contract rules
  • All input and output states must have the same baseId.

  • All input states (except readonly input called “reference state”) must also be included in transaction output (because states of IBC are never deleted once created).

  • The contents of the packet must be consistent with the ICS20Cash owner, denomination and amount

  • Requirements for onAcknowledgePacket specified in ICS-20 and acknowledgePacket specified in ICS-4 must be satisfied.