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Query Data Using Keys

To query data using the key, we need to use a database context. The Get() method in the DataTxContext retrieves a given key from a given database.

type DataTxContext interface {
// Get existing key value
Get(dbName, key string) ([]byte, *types.Metadata, error)

For the example shown here to work, we need to have

  • Two databases named db1 and db2 in the Orion server. If you have not created these two databases, refer to creates databases using SDK to create db1 and db2.
  • Two users named alice and bob. If you have not created these users already, refer to create users using SDK.
  • The key key2 in database db2. If you have not stored key2 in db2 already, refer to create states

Finally, Create a connection and Open a database session.

Source Code

package main

import (

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "bob")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

v, m, err := tx.Get("db2", "key1")
// if err is not nil, print and return

if v == nil {
fmt.Println("the database db2 does not have key1")

fmt.Println("value :", string(v))
fmt.Println("version :", m.Version)
fmt.Println("access control:", m.AccessControl)

err = tx.Abort()
// if err is not nil, print and return

Source Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Furthermore, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

Calling session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. Note that we use this context only for query purposes and not for performing any operations on the data.

To fetch the key key1 in database db2, we call tx.Get("db2", "key1"). It returns

  1. value
  2. metadata
  3. error

The value is []byte. The metadata holds the version and access control as shown below:

type Metadata struct {
Version *Version
AccessControl *AccessControl

The Version denotes the version of the key fetched. It is denoted by a block number and a transaction number that last modified the key.

type Version struct {
BlockNum uint64
TxNum uint64

The ACL holds

  1. ReadUsers: a list of users who can only read the key
  2. ReadWriteUsers: a list of users who can read and write the key.
  3. SignPolicyForWrite: denotes whether signature of all users in the ReadWriteUsers is needed to perform writes to the key.
type AccessControl struct {
ReadUsers map[string]bool
ReadWriteUsers map[string]bool
SignPolicyForWrite AccessControlWritePolicy

type AccessControlWritePolicy int32

const (
AccessControl_ANY AccessControlWritePolicy = 0
AccessControl_ALL AccessControlWritePolicy = 1

Finally, we can abort the transaction by calling tx.Abort().