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Data Transaction

We can create, update, and delete states maintained by the Orion cluster using data transactions.

Using a data transaction, we can do the following:

  1. Create new states
  2. Update existing states
  3. Delete existing states
  4. Create, update, and delete states within a single transaction
  5. Operations on multiple databases
  6. Multi-signatures transaction

For all examples shown here to work, we need to have

  1. Two databases named db1 and db2 in the Orion server. If you have not created these two databases, refer to creates databases using SDK create db1 and db2.
  2. Two users named alice and bob. If you have not created these users already, refer to create users using SDK.

Finally, Create a connection and Open a database session.

Once a database session is created, a call to session.DataTx() will create a new data transaction context and thus will start a new data transaction. The data transaction context provides the following methods to calls:

type DataTxContext interface {
// Put new value to key
Put(dbName string, key string, value []byte, acl *types.AccessControl) error
// Get existing key value
Get(dbName, key string) ([]byte, *types.Metadata, error)
// Delete value for key
Delete(dbName, key string) error
// AssertRead insert a key-version to the transaction assert map
AssertRead(dbName string, key string, version *types.Version) error
// AddMustSignUser adds userID to the multi-sign data transaction's
// MustSignUserIDs set. All users in the MustSignUserIDs set must co-sign
// the transaction for it to be valid. Note that, in addition, when a
// transaction modifies keys which have multiple users in the write ACL,
// or when a transaction modifies keys where each key has different user
// in the write ACL, the signature of additional users may be required.
// AddMustSignUser can be used to add users whose signatures is required,
// on top of those mandates by the ACLs of the keys in the write-set of
// the transaction. The userID of the initiating client is always in
// the MustSignUserIDs set."
AddMustSignUser(userID string)
// SignConstructedTxEnvelopeAndCloseTx returns a signed transaction envelope and
// also closes the transaction context. When a transaction requires
// signatures from multiple users, an initiating user prepares the
// transaction and calls SignConstructedTxEnvelopeAndCloseTx in order to
// sign it and construct the envelope. The envelope must then be
// circulated among all the users that need to co-sign it."
SignConstructedTxEnvelopeAndCloseTx() (proto.Message, error)
// Commit submits transaction to the server, can be sync or async.
// Sync option returns tx id and tx receipt and
// in case of error, commitTimeout error is one of possible errors to return.
// Async returns tx id, always nil as tx receipt or error
Commit(sync bool) (string, *types.TxReceipt, error)
// Abort cancel submission and abandon all changes
// within given transaction context
Abort() error
// CommittedTxEnvelope returns transaction envelope, can be called only after Commit(), otherwise will return nil
CommittedTxEnvelope() (proto.Message, error)

1) Create new states in database

1.1) Source Code

Let's store a new state key1 with the value {"name":"abc","age":31,"graduated":true}.

package main

import (


type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Graduated bool `json:"graduated"`

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

p := &person{
Name: "abc",
Age: 31,
Graduated: true,

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p)
// if err is not nil, print and return

acl := &types.AccessControl{
ReadUsers: map[string]bool{
"bob": true,
ReadWriteUsers: map[string]bool{
"alice": true,
SignPolicyForWrite: types.AccessControl_ANY,
err = tx.Put("db2", "key1", jVal, acl)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

1.2) Source Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Furthermore, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

The session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. We can then perform all data manipulation activities using this transaction context.

Let's create a key key1 with the value {"name":"abc","age":31,"graduated":true}. In the above code, we use the struct with JSON tags and then marshal the struct to create this JSON value.

Once the value is created, we define the access control for this key key1. The structure of ACL is shown below:

type AccessControl struct {
ReadUsers map[string]bool
ReadWriteUsers map[string]bool
SignPolicyForWrite AccessControlWritePolicy

type AccessControlWritePolicy int32

const (
AccessControl_ANY AccessControlWritePolicy = 0
AccessControl_ALL AccessControlWritePolicy = 1

The ACL holds

  1. ReadUsers: a list of users who can only read the key
  2. ReadWriteUsers: a list of users who can read and write the key.
  3. SignPolicyForWrite: denotes whether signature of all users in the ReadWriteUsers is needed to perform writes to the key.

The following are various ACL configurations and associated effects:

  1. If the ACL is nil for a key, any users of Orion can access that key.
  2. If the ACL has only ReadUsers for a key, then the key would become read-only forever by users present in the ReadUsers list.
  3. If the ACL has ReadWriteUsers for a key, users in this list can read and write that key. As SignPolicyForWrite is not set, it uses the default policy which is AccessControl_ANY. This means that any user in the ReadWriteUsers can write to the key.
  4. If the ACL has only SignPolicyForWrite but ReadUsers and ReadWriteUsers are empty for a key, then no user can read or write to that key forever.
  5. If the ACL has ReadWriteUsers and AccessControl_ALL for the SignPolicyForWrite, then the key can be read by any users in the ReadWriteUsers but only when all the users sign the transaction, can the key be updated or deleted.
  6. If the ACL has ReadUsers and SignPolicyForWrite for a key, then the key would become read-only forever by users present in the ReadUsers list.

In our code, we have provided the read access on key1 to alice and bob but only alice can write to the key. As there is a single user in the ReadWriteUsers, we have set the SignPolicyForWrite to AccessControl_ANY. Even if we set SignPolicyForWrite to AccessControl_ALL, it works, as only alice has the write permission on key1.

We then use tx.Put() to store the key key1 with the value jVal and an access control list acl in the database db2.

Finally, the transaction is committed by calling dbtx.Commit(true). The argument true denotes that this is a synchronous submission. As a result, the Commit() returns the transaction receipt if this transaction gets committed before the TxTimeout configured in the openSession().

The structure of txReceipt can be seen [here]. The user can store this txReceipt, as it is a commitment used to verify the proof generated by the server.

Refer to Query Data in queries to check whether key1 has been created.

2) Update an existing state

2.1) Source Code

Let's update the value of key1. To do that, we need to execute the following three steps:

  1. Fetch key1 from the server.
  2. Construct the updated value.
    • update the age from 31. The new value would be {"name":"abc","age":32,"graduated":true}
  3. Commit the data transaction.
package main

import (

type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Graduated bool `json:"graduated"`

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

v, m, err := tx.Get("db2", "key1")
// if err is not nil, print and return

p := &person{}
err = json.Unmarshal(v, p)
// if err is not nil, print and return

p.Age = 32

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p)
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = tx.Put("db2", "key1", jVal, m.AccessControl)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

2.2) Soure Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Further, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

The session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. We can then perform all data manipulation activities using this transaction context.

As we need to update the value of key1, first we need to fetch key1 from the Orion server by calling tx.Get("db2", "key1"). The fetched value is []byte and it holds the JSON marshalled value. We need to unmarshal it to the person object. From the person object, it is easy to change the Age to 32.

Once the fetched value is updated locally, we need to marshal it again by calling json.Marshal() and store the updated marshalled value by calling tx.Put("db2", "key1", jVal, m.AccessControl). Note that we are passing the same access control as we are not making any changes to it.

Finally, the transaction is committed by calling dbtx.Commit(true). The argument "true" denotes that this is a synchronous submission. As a result, the Commit() returns the transaction receipt if this transaction gets committed before the TxTimeout configured in the openSession().

The structure of txReceipt can be seen [here]. The user can store this txReceipt as it is a commitment used to verify the proof generated by the server.

Refer to Query Data in queries to check whether key1 has been updated.

3) Delete an existing state

3.1) Source Code

Let's delete the key key1.

package main

import (

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = tx.Delete("db2", "key1")
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

3.2) Source Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Furthermore, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

The session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. We can then perform all data manipulation activities using this transaction context.

To delete the key key1, we need to call tx.Delete("db2", "key1"). Note that this is a blind delete. If you want to avoid the blind delete, we need to first fetch key1 by calling tx.Get("db2", "key1") but ignoring the returned value and version. Next, we need to call tx.Delete("db2", "key1") to delete the key key1.

Finally, the transaction is committed by calling tx.Commit(true). The argument "true" denotes that this is a synchronous submission. As a result, the Commit() returns the transaction receipt if this transaction gets committed before the TxTimeout configured in the openSession().

The structure of txReceipt can be seen [here]. The user can store this txReceipt as it is a commitment used to verify the proof generated by the server.

4) Create, update, and delete states within a single transaction

Let's create `key1` and `key2` so that in the next transaction we can do all three operations
package main

import (


type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Graduated bool `json:"graduated"`

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

p1 := &person{
Name: "abc",
Age: 31,
Graduated: true,

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p1)
// if err is not nil, print and return

acl := &types.AccessControl{
ReadUsers: map[string]bool{
"alice": true,
"bob": true,
ReadWriteUsers: map[string]bool{
"alice": true,
err = tx.Put("db2", "key1", jVal, acl)
// if err is not nil, print and return

p2 := &person{
Name: "def",
Age: 20,
Graduated: false,

jVal, err = json.Marshal(p2)
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = tx.Put("db2", "key2", jVal, acl)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

4.1) Source Code

Now that we have the required data in the server, we can create, update, and delete within a single transaction.

package main

import (


type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Graduated bool `json:"graduated"`

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = createKey3(tx)
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = updateKey2(tx)
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = deleteKey1(tx)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

func createKey3(tx bcdb.DataTxContext) error {
p1 := &person{
Name: "ghi",
Age: 24,
Graduated: true,

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p1)
if err != nil {
return err

acl := &types.AccessControl{
ReadWriteUsers: map[string]bool{
"alice": true,

return tx.Put("db2", "key3", jVal, acl)

func updateKey2(tx bcdb.DataTxContext) error {
v, m, err := tx.Get("db2", "key2")
if err != nil {
return err

p := &person{}
err = json.Unmarshal(v, p)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Age = 24
p.Graduated = true

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
return err

return tx.Put("db2", "key2", jVal, m.AccessControl)

func deleteKey1(tx bcdb.DataTxContext) error {
return tx.Delete("db2", "key1")

4.2) Source Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Further, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

The session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. We can then perform all data manipulation activities using this transaction context.

It can be clearly seen from the source that we use the same transaction context to create a new key key3, update an existing key key2, and delete an existing key key1.

The value for key3 is created by marshaling the person object. Then, tx.Put("db2", "key3", jVal, acl) stores key3 with the value {"name":"ghi","age":24,"graduated":true}. Only alice has read and write permission on key3 as defined in the ReadWriteUsers access control list.

For updating key2, first, we fetch key2 by calling tx.Get("db2", "key2"). Next, the fetched value is unmarshalled into a person object such that fields such as age and graduated can be updated. Then, the updated value is stored by calling tx.Put("db2", "key2", jVal, m.AccessControl).

Finally, the transaction is committed by calling tx.Commit(true). The argument "true" denotes that this is a synchronous submission. As a result, the Commit() returns the transaction receipt if this transaction gets committed before the TxTimeout configured in the openSession().

The structure of txReceipt can be seen [here]. The user can store this txReceipt as it is a commitment used to verify the proof generated by the server.

Refer to Query Data in queries to check whether key3 has been created, key2 has been updated, and key1 has been deleted.

5) Operations on Multiple Databases in a Single Transaction

A data transaction can access or modify more than one user database in a transaction. In the below example, we perform operations on two databases, db1 and db2, within a single transaction.

Update `alice`'s privileges
As both `alice` and `bob` have only read permission on the database `db1`, first, we update the privilege of `alice` to have read-write permission on `db1` as shown below:
package main

import (


func main() {
bcdb, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(bcdb, "admin")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.UsersTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

alice, err := tx.GetUser("alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

alice.Privilege.DbPermission = map[string]types.Privilege_Access{
"db1": 1,
"db2": 1,
err = tx.PutUser(alice, nil)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

5.1) Source Code

Let's create

  1. Key key4 with value {"name":"abc","age":31,"graduated":true} in db1
  2. Key key4 with value {"name":"def","age":20,"graduated":false} in db2
package main

import (


type person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int64 `json:"age"`
Graduated bool `json:"graduated"`

func main() {
db, err := createConnection()
// if err is not nil, print and return

session, err := openSession(db, "alice")
// if err is not nil, print and return

tx, err := session.DataTx()
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = createKey4InDB1(tx)
// if err is not nil, print and return

err = createKey4InDB2(tx)
// if err is not nil, print and return

txID, receipt, err := tx.Commit(true)
// if err is not nil, print and return

fmt.Println("transaction with txID " + txID + " got committed in the block " + strconv.Itoa(int(receipt.GetHeader().GetBaseHeader().GetNumber())))

func createKey4InDB1(tx bcdb.DataTxContext) error {
p1 := &person{
Name: "abc",
Age: 31,
Graduated: true,

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p1)
if err != nil {
return err

acl := &types.AccessControl{
ReadUsers: map[string]bool{
"bob": true,
ReadWriteUsers: map[string]bool{
"alice": true,

return tx.Put("db1", "key4", jVal, acl)

func createKey4InDB2(tx bcdb.DataTxContext) error {
p2 := &person{
Name: "def",
Age: 20,
Graduated: false,

jVal, err := json.Marshal(p2)
if err != nil {
return err

return tx.Put("db2", "key4", jVal, nil)

5.2) Source Code Commentary

For the sake of simplicity, not all errors are handled in this code. Further, the implementation of createConnection() and openSession() can be found here.

The session.DataTx() starts a new data transaction and returns the data transaction context. We can then perform all data manipulation activities using this transaction context.

In database db1, we create a key key4 with the value {"name":"abc","age":31,"graduated":true} using the person object and json marshal. Then, the value is stored by calling tx.Put("db1", "key4", jVal, acl). Note that the first parameter is db1. As per the ACL, bob has only read permission, while alice has both read and write permissions.

In database db2, we create a key key4 with the value {"name":"def","age":20,"graduated":false} using the person object and json marshal. Then, the value is stored by calling tx.Put("db2", "key4", jVal, nil). Note that the first parameter is db1. Further, there is no ACL on key4. As a result, both alice and bob can read or write to key4. In fact, any new user of Orion can read or write to key4 when the ACL is empty.

Additional Examples

In addition to this example, you can download and use the data transaction examples from the go-sdk examples folder: orion-sdk-go/examples/api/simple_tx/simple_tx.go