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Asset Exchange: Fabric with Fabric

One Fabric network transfers a bond from Alice to Bob in exchange for a transfer of tokens from Bob to Alice in the other network Ensure that one of the following chaincodes have been deployed in both networks:

  • simpleasset
  • simpleassetandinterop
  • simpleassettransfer

Run the following steps:

The hash used in following steps can be replaced by any valid SHA256 hash.
  1. Navigate to either the samples/fabric/fabric-cli folder or the samples/fabric/go-cli folder in your clone of the Weaver repository.
  2. Run the following to verify the status of the assets owned by alice and bob in the two networks:
    ./scripts/ 2
  3. Complete the asset exchange in either of the two different ways:
    • Using a single command:
      • Run the following to trigger exchange of bond bond01:a03 owned by alice in network1 with 100 units of tokens token1 owned by bob in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange-all --network1=network1 --network2=network2 --secret=secrettext --timeout-duration=100 alice:bond01:a03:bob:token1:100
      • To verify that bob now owns a bond in exchange for alice owning some tokens, run the following:
        ./scripts/ 2
    • Using step-by-step commands:
      • Generate Secret-Hash Pair using following command (prints hash in base64):
        ./bin/fabric-cli hash --hash_fn=SHA256 secrettext
      • Run the following to trigger alice locking bond01:a03 for bob in network1
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --timeout-duration=3600 --locker=alice --recipient=bob --hashBase64=ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs= --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • Run the following to verify alice's lock:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • Run the following to trigger bob locking 100 units of token1 for alice in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --fungible --timeout-duration=1800 --locker=bob --recipient=alice --hashBase64=ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs= --target-network=network2 --param=token1:100
        Note the contract-id printed as output in above command. The output line containing contract-id (text in base64 after Contract Id:) would like this:
        ℹ Fungible Asset Locked with Contract Id: E0JZq8Z+eS//2Bt4WU0pU210MvNgDC2hdUT1RgszOq0=, preimage: null, hashvalue: ivHErp1x4bJDKuRo6L5bApO/DdoyD/dG0mAZrzLZEIs=
      • Run the following to verify bob's lock:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --fungible --locker=bob --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>
      • Run the following to trigger alice's claim for 100 units of token1 locked by bob in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --fungible --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id> --secret=<hash-pre-image>
      • Run the following to trigger bob's claim for bond01:a03 locked by alice in network1:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --recipient=bob --locker=alice --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03 --secret=<hash-pre-image>
      The above steps complete a successful asset exchange between two Fabric networks. In addition to the above commands, following commands can be run if specified timeout has expired and the locked asset remains unclaimed.
      • If alice wants to unlock the bond asset, run the following to trigger alice's re-claim for bond01:a03 locked in network1:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
      • If bob wants to unlock the token asset, run the following to trigger bob's re-claim for token1:100 locked in network2:
        ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --fungible --locker=bob --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>