Lab Name

Hyperledger Fabric Operator for Kubernetes

Short Description

Manage Hyperledger Fabric components at scale with a Kubernetes Operator.

Scope of Lab

There is a gap in the Hyperledger Fabric network deployment on Kubernetes. The proposal is to automate the deployment using the concept of Kubernetes Operators.

The work will be focused on automating the creation of peers, orderers and CAs.

The proposal is for the deployment of a Hyperledger Fabric network on Kubernetes. This proposal can be integrated natively with the fabric-operations-console which was recently released.

Initial Committers

Github IDs for the set of initial committers.



No sponsors

Pre-existing repository

If you currently have a Github repository that you wish to transfer to the Hyperledger Labs organization, please provide a link here. NOTE: Please refer to the README for additional information on existing repositories.
